Drive-Thru Feed & Supplies
Our convenient drive-thru offers quality, brand-name pet and farm animal feed and supplies, such as dog, cat, chicken, hamster, and rabbit!
You an also find an array of lawn and landscape tools and supplies, as well as PVC and Corrugated Pipe and Fittings.
If we don't currently carry what you need we would be more than happy to see if we can get it in for you!

Dog Food/Treat Brands
Diamond Naturals
Taste of the Wild
Taste of the Wild Prey
Nature's Own

Cat Food/Treat and Litter Brands
Country Value
Taste of the Wild
Frank's No Name
9 Lives
Premium Choice
Easy Clean
Naturally Fresh
Cat Tails

Farm Feed and Supplies
Hanby Farms
Performance Feeds
Manna Pro​

Small Animal Feed,
Treats and Supplies
Guinea Pig Food and Treats
Chinchilla Food and Treats
Hamster Food and Treats
Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass
Cedar Bedding
Pine Bedding
Paper Bedding
Bedding Pellets & Eco-Straw
80# Bales of Pine Shavings also available

Wild Bird & Critter Feed and Feeders
Offering a variety of wild bird seed including our own branded mixes:
Rittman Landscape Premium Bird Seed
Rittman Landscape Supreme Bird Seed
Patio & Deck Shell Free
Cherry Treat
Jolly Wild Bird Feed
Black Oil Sunflower
Nyjer (Thistle) Seed
No Waste
Ear Corn, Cracked Corn, & Shelled Corn
Peanuts and Peanut Splits
Large Variety of Suet
Liquid Hummingbird Nectar, Red and Clear

Deer Feed & Attractants
Stump Likker
Deer CoCain
Deer Cane Black Magic
Buck Jam - Apple and Sweet Corn
Salt Blocks
Mineral Blocks
Lucky Buck
Shelled Corn
Cracked Corn
Apple Flavored Salt Licks